From the Author of New York Times #1 Bestseller "Never Eat Alone"

Beyond Connections

A proven networking system to make endless new connections, accelerate your career and unlock the true potential of your relationships.

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“Hands down the leading body of relational and collaborative insights to drive growth.”

Andy Sieg

Head of Wealth, Citi
Former President, Merrill Lynch

“Keith is at the forefront of understanding relationships as a technology for success.”

Seth Godin

Founder altMBA
New York Times Bestselling Author

Sure, it helps to have charisma. But a system of consistent, powerful practices is the rocket fuel to building your network.

No matter how charming or talented you are, none of that matters if you don't have the right people behind you helping you win. As we've seen time and time again, the right people will change the course of your life. In every way possible.

If you're like most, your network isn't purpose built. It's who you went to school with, people you've worked with, played sports with or family friends.

Professionals, Entrepreneurs & Executives

Are you struggling to build and manage the network you need to achieve your goals?

You struggle to build authentic connections online

You’re not sure how and when to follow up, ask for intros, or consistently be top of mind

You lack the confidence to put yourself out there and meet new people consistently

You lack a system for growing your network effectively

Imagine a more powerful & purposeful approach to networking that opens doors & creates opportunities

The chances of you stumbling into your dream network without a plan are quite low. To meet your ideal clients, partners, mentors, collaborators, tribe, takes intention and action. So we've synthesized a proven system to show you how.

The shift to remote work has been challenging, but it also creates incredible opportunity to broaden your reach, if you know how. There are 8+ billion people in the world...getting to the right ones and enrolling them in your mission is within your grasp when you master going deep in person and online.

Your step-by-step path to building a genuine, high-impact, high value network

Beyond Connections is that path. It's the mindset, blueprint and proven practices that boost your influence and help you connect you to the people you were meant to meet at this stage in your journey.

And it doesn't mean you need to be fake. It's based on generosity, authenticity, and wanting to elevate those around you... which comes back to you 10x in ways that's hard to comprehend today.

Building social capital isn't luck, it's a formula.

We'll Show You How.

Our #1 New York Times bestsellers on relationships & networks have changed lives all over the world.

What is Beyond Connections?

Beyond Connections is a live, action-oriented training experience for professionals who don’t yet have the world-class network they need to win.

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Social capital refers to the invisible currency that lives in all of your relationships - past, present, and future. You build it by consistently bringing depth and authenticity into your relationships while leading with generosity. Maximizing social capital means going beyond who you know to how well you leverage your relationships across all walks of life.

How Does It Work?

Over the past two decades, we've studied networks, effective leaders and high performing teams to develop a system focused on maximizing social capital.

Weekly video
content & tools

Dive into the tools and systems unraveling the science and art of effective networking

Small group
cohort learning

Engage in deep discussions, role-playing, and accountability exercises, all while expanding your circle with valuable new connections.

Personalized 1:1

You'll work with a skilled 1:1 coach to fully apply the learnings to your personal network, ensuring every interaction counts.

Q&A forums with
Keith Ferrazzi

Join monthly gatherings to gain fresh insights and strategies to stay ahead in your networking game.

“Keith grabs your attention immediately and takes you on a ride that transforms your life to be more honest, open and of service to others.”

Peter Diamandis

Founder, Singularity University


In Beyond Connections,
You Will Develop…

A clear blueprint for building social capital

You'll have a meticulously optimized system, ensuring every minute you invest in relationship-building propels you forward.

New clients, new partners, new mentors & friends

Whoever it is you’re looking to meet, you can expect more of them in your life by the end of this.

Confidence to make deep connections in real life

You’ll walk into any conference or event and know how to tell your story, develop quick intimacy, and set a plan in motion for post event follow up.

Proven techniques for getting and making introductions

You're only ever 6 degrees of separation from anyone in the world. You'll increase your hit rate on asks, be welcomed into new groups and elevate others by opening your network to them.

A community of open, committed professionals

Mutually committed to each other's growth and success, throughout the course and beyond.

Mastery over the making deep connections online

Elevating the way you show up in 1:1 video calls, social profiles and group webinars.

Your Network is your Net Worth.

The two are inextricably linked.


Meet the Team

Keith Ferrazzi

Chairman, Ferrazzi Greenlight
Author, Never Eat Alone & Who's Got Your Back

Keith Ferrazzi is the Chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight and recognized global thought leader in the relational and collaborative sciences. Formerly he was the CMO of Deloitte and Starwood Hotels.

He is a #1 New York Times best-selling author of Who’s Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone and his newest book Leading Without Authority, as well as a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, WSJ, Fast Company, Forbes, Inc, Fortune and other publications.

Ronen Olshansky

CEO, Connected Success
Partner, Ferrazzi Greenlight

Ronen Olshansky is a Partner at Ferrazzi Greenlight, where he coaches CEO’s and leadership teams of fast-growth private companies. Prior to coaching, Ronen was the founder & CEO of Cross Campus, a Los Angeles based shared office and event hosting business that operated seven locations for over 5,000 members at its pre-pandemic peak.

Ronen’s career was focused primarily in finance & consulting at firms including JPMorganChase, Lehman Brothers and Arthur Andersen. Ronen studied Economics at Yale with coursework at London School of Economics.

“Keith and his team were remarkable coaches.”

Vishen Lakhiani

Founder & CEO, Mindvalley

“Ferrazzi is breaking new ground in defining what leadership can mean in the emerging world of work.”

Arianna Huffington

Founder and CEO, Thrive Global


The Beyond Connections Curriculum


Cultivating a Relational Mindset

  • Shift from transactional to relational thinking

  • Develop mental models built on generosity, vulnerability, and authenticity

  • Learn to distinguish and eliminate behaviors that skew towards transactionality


Unlocking Your Inner Game

  • Craft and refine your personal story, making it memorable and adaptable in different contexts

  • Align your network goals with what you want most out of your career and life

  • We'll design a growth strategy that mirrors your unique personality type


Your Relationship Map

  • Organize your digital and real-life connections into a coherent, navigable map

  • Learn to identify and harness key roles in your network, like lifelines, mentors and superconnectors

  • Identify specific relationships you want to deepen in your tribe and community


Your Relationship Action Plan

  • Implement a foolproof system (using software & AI) to stay in touch and avoid relationship decay 

  • Learn the art of cold outreach and how to ask for warm intros with confidence

  • Rekindle old relationships and start new ones in a way that feels authentic


The Art of Conversation

  • Build likeability, credibility & trust while being memorable as your truest self

  • Practice active listening, authentic compliments, and putting people at ease

  • Adapt your style for different conversational goals 


Accelerate In-Person Connection 

    • Plan for and host an unforgetting "intimacy dinner"

    • Prepare effectively for any in-person conference or corporate event

    • Maximize intimacy in your in-person interactions through tactics like the "deep bump" and optimal body language

    MODULE 7

    Master Online Rapport

    • Stand out online – from video calls to social media posts

    • Adopt strategies to make every online interaction as meaningful as face-to-face meetings

    • Establish presence in online communities that match your interests

    MODULE 8

    Becoming a Superconductor

    • Automate content creation and personalized outreach while maintaining your voice

    • Learn how to optimize your activities and build authority on LinkedIn

    • Build your own communities that create endless opportunities for each other


    What Others Are
    Saying About Our Work

    “Never Eat Alone is one of the books that has had a bigger impact on my life and the one I have recommended the most – especially younger folks in the first years of their corporate careers at P&G and other companies.”

    Alberto Moriana

    Former P&G Senior Vice President

    “Could not be more a more timely topic, Keith…..we need connection now more than ever to find common ground, purpose and meaning in our world…can’t wait to hear more.”

    Judy Zagorski

    CHRO of UGI Corporation

    “Keith, I read your book in 2022 after seeing you speak at the HBS reunion. Loved everything about it and it stuck with me. Fast forward to 2023... I intentionally reached out to all those people in my life I had lost touch with over the years... and had the most phenomenal month. Next time I’m in NY, I’ll have so many reinvigorated relationships to connect with.”

    Julie Schechtman

    Managing Director at Morgan Stanley

    “Love this book. Mostly, because of the authentic approach to networking, asking for help, advice - making it “OK” to help each other and more importantly, thrive together. Thanks for many years of great insights.”

    Stephanie Anderson

    Group Vice President at Spectrum

    “I didn’t realize it’s been that long, but I’ve been recommending it for nearly 20 years. Mindset shift and preparing for events were the pivotal points for me, but every point you listed stands the test of time.”

    Tony Coles

    President, Multicultural Business& Development at iHeartMedia

    “This book changed my life and I reread it every few years. Most business books I’ve come across have 2 or 3 key ideas and the rest is filler, but this one has insight in basically every paragraph.”

    Ryan Hinley

    Veteran Outreach Program Specialist at U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs


    What Beyond Connections Participants Are Saying

    Take the Next Step in Building Your Dream Network

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